kitchen creations

kitchen creations

1 small head of napa cabbage, about 1 pound, organic vegetables are key for good fermentation.
1 daikon radish
2 carrots
1 bunch scallions
4 to 6 Tbls. kosher salt
1/4 C ground red pepper flakes
4 to 6 cloves garlic peeled and minced
1 (2 inch) piece ginger, peeled and minced

1. cut the cabbage in half crosswise to separate the leafiest tops from the bottom. Cur the base from the cabbage bottom and separate all the leaves. Rinse everything in cool water and set in a colander to drain.

2. Peel the daikon and carrots and cut into julienne with a mandolin or about 1/4″ x 1/4″  and 2″ long. Cut the onions into 1″ lengths.

3. In a large bowl, toss the carrots and daikon with about 1 Tbls. of salt, or enough to coat them well.

4. Cut the stem ends of the cabbage leaves into 1″ wide slices. Toss with 2-3 Tbls. of salt or enough to coat, place on top of carrots.

5.  Toss the leafy tops and the scallions with another Tbls. or so of salt until coated and lay them on top .

6. Weigh everything down with  a heavy plate and leave it on the counter for four to six hours.

7. Stir the vegetables well, then pack the mixture into 1 or more glass jars. As you place the vegetables in the jar sprinkle ground red
pepper to desired spiciness along with minced ginger and garlic over each layer.

8. Repeat layering, as you go use a wooden spoon to pack down the mixture. Sprinkle more salt to finish and put the lid on tight.

9. Leave jar on the counter for 24 hours, giving it a shake whenever you walk by. After 24 hours it will have shrunk considerably and there will be almost enough liquid in the jar to cover the vegetables. With a wooden spoon again press the vegetables down into the liquid. Store in the refrigerator. Keeps for several months.